With a vast need for Bibles, the Bible project continues in Malawi.

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The second mission journey of senior pastor Jiří Joel Krupa to Malawi took part in August 2022. 



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There is a big need for bibles in Malawi and Mozambique. Bible is reachable for 10 dollars but 10 dollars is so many for most of the people there that they can not afford it. Sometimes even pastors have no Bibles and they borrow them for some time or learn the scriptures by heart. 

To be honest I didn´t believe it for the first time when I heard it until I prayed about it and also read it from other sources too. I can also say now that I witnessed this by my own eyes. 

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It is a very big joy to see the first fruits of our program - goats program in Malawi.

Malawi is one of the poorest countries but God's people there are wonderful. The church in Tengani, Malawi under the leading of bishop Petr Fungulani is overseeing the Feeding program - Goats program. What is this project about?

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The Christian Prophetic Ministry International was founded in 2017 and from that time there are nearly about a hundred pastors with their churches around the world joined in this ministry.

The members of the International Council of CPMI are Petr Fungulani who serves as a senior pastor (bishop) for Malawi, Mozambique, and Jiří Joel Krupa who serve as senior pastors of CPMI Worldwide and founded the church in the Czech Republic.

The ministry starts to put their roots also to other countries as India, Nepal, Kenya, Uganda, the UK, and recently also in Pakistan. 

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The conference for pastors in Malawi and Mozambique was a wonderful time of fellowship in God and seeking His will and plans.

All conference was hosted by bishop Petr Fungulani and the church in Tengani. We had meetings with essential and crucial messages delivered regarding a ministry of shepherding and ministry of prophesying.

The conference was attended by about 40 pastors from six different parts of Malawi and Mozambique. We had fellowships with the word, prayers, worshipping, and also with food.

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