
Novinky (21)

sobota, 02 květen 2020 04:40

Goats program in Tengani, Malawi


It is a very big joy to see the first fruits of our program - goats program in Malawi.

Malawi is one of the poorest countries but God's people there are wonderful. The church in Tengani, Malawi under the leading of bishop Petr Fungulani is overseeing the Feeding program - Goats program. What is this project about?

sobota, 21 prosinec 2019 14:15

Orphans ministry in Kenya


Bishop Wilfred is working hard in Kisii, Kenya to care about the orphans. His church in Osomaria and the sister church in Sameta are working for the kingdom of God. 

úterý, 12 listopad 2019 21:30

Indie and Nepal roots of CPMI ministry


We are happy to inform you that our preparation to receive not only India ministry but also Nepal ministry is going ahead for the glory of God.

This year the trip to United Kindom also took place.  Pastors Jan Bihary and Jiří Joel Krupa were visiting pastor Tibor Simon, his family, and a church there.

neděle, 01 září 2019 06:18

Prayer week for Prag


Pastor Jiří Joel Krupa and his wife was meeting one of the Czech senators Libor Michalek in a garden of the Senat of the Czech republic.

The pastors in Kenya under the leading of bishop Wilfred Kerosi asked to join CPMI.

The conference for pastors in Malawi and Mozambique was a wonderful time of fellowship in God and seeking His will and plans.

All conference was hosted by bishop Petr Fungulani and the church in Tengani. We had meetings with essential and crucial messages delivered regarding a ministry of shepherding and ministry of prophesying.

The conference was attended by about 40 pastors from six different parts of Malawi and Mozambique. We had fellowships with the word, prayers, worshipping, and also with food.