CPMI Website

CPMI Website

There was a pastor's conference in Kissi, Kenya. The work in Kenya continues under the leadership of senior pastor Wilfred Kerosi.

The fellowship of the CPMI House of Prayer began in 2011. 

Pastor: Jiří Joel Krupa; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Regular meetings:

Sunday meetings:  10:00 -13:00;  Ruská 10, behind  Billa, the first floor

Friday prayer meetings: 19:00 - 20:30; Ruská 10, behind Billa, the first floor

Thursday homegroups: 18:00 - 20:00; Homegroups  (sometimes possible also online)

Schedule and plan for special events

(interdenominational ministry):

2024 - Mission in India

2025 - Mission in Malawi IV

2026 - Mission in Tanzania, Kenya II

July 2024 -

August 2024 -

- The Ministry with Kings Kids 

September 2024

- The Pastors Meeting

October 2024 -

- The Evening of Worship Meeting

- The Prayer Walls - Praděd

November 2024

December 2024

- The Prayer for Unity 

January 2025 -

- Fasting for CPMI Worldwide

February 2025 -

 - The Prayer Walls 


March 2025 -

April 2025 -

- The Prayer Walls - Praděd

May 2025 -

- The National Day of Prayer

June 2025 -

July 2025 -

- The Church Stay








You can write directly to this e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

If you have some requests, it is good to read the following letter because many requests to our ministry belong to these groups and conditions described on this page.

(The other contacts will be added later)




Dear brothers and sisters. There are a few reasons why somebody contacts our ministry. Christian Ministry International is a ministry that should reach many nations. Many times in recent years, we have received prophetic words about adding other nations, bishops, pastors and ministers, respectively, to this ministry. This is one of the reasons why somebody wants to join us. Motives are different. Sometimes, they only need help; sometimes, the Holy Spirit is leading them to join us. 

I work hard, and most of the bishops and pastors I know in CPMI work hard, too. We pray, fast, and work, seeking the Holy Spirit's leading, obeying His voice, and doing what the Lord tells us to do. Sometimes, it is a joyful and peaceful experience. Other times, it is hard and faithful ministry. 

If you have contacted me, you belong to one of the five  groups:

  1. You really want to join us after your fasting and prayer when seeking God, in this case
  2. You want to know us more, probably somehow cooperate or  have our ministry  in your churches or conferences
  3. You only want help, support and money, so you contacted me because of your fundraising
  4. Some people are in the group of scammers and frauds seeking money
  5. Some other reasons or little modified settings of your request or message

If you want to be sure I am at least praying or seeking God about you, there are two steps you can take.

  1. Firstly - write an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and as the subject of the e-mail, write one of these possibilities -  1) CPMI CONTACT - JOINING THE MINISTRY, 2)CPMI CONTACT - COOPERATION, 3) FUNDRAISING
  2. Secondly - sometimes you can send a new message to Messenger or other tools as you have contacted me.

I will put these e-mails in my folders, and we at least will try to pray about them. I am not able to communicate with all people now, and some people write to me and then get lost when messages go down. With some people who will be sure God is leading them to us for these different reasons, we can seek before God what we can do and what we are supposed to do. 

Whether we join in the ministry here on earth in any way or not, I wish you God's merciful hand upon you. We are joined in a Spirit even when we pray for nations. 

Senior pastor of CPMI


With a vast need for Bibles, the Bible project continues in Malawi.

Pastor's conference of CPMI in Kenya under the leadership of bishop Wilfred Kerosi was held near the area of Kissi. 

WhatsApp Image 2022 07 10 at 08.46.50 1There was a small pastors' conference in India with the support of our ministry as a part of going ahead in the visions God gave us to fulfil them. These visions include India, Pakistan, Nepal and other countries in Asia. 

One of the first ministers to join the CPMI ministry in Pakistan is our beloved Jair. We pray for him; we love him. He wants to serve God and bring Jesus to the poor.

The second mission journey of senior pastor Jiří Joel Krupa to Malawi took part in August 2022. 



We are happy and blessed by the grace of God through the joining of about 15 churches from Kenya and Uganda (and one church from Tanzania has been added this year too) that took place last year.

We are happy that the work there continues while we are in a need to "making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil" /Ef 5,16/  "to do good works." /Ef 2,10/  The joining makes us all stronger and together in prayer, we are stronger.  

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