There was a pastor's conference in Kissi, Kenya. The work in Kenya continues under the leadership of senior pastor Wilfred Kerosi.

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With a vast need for Bibles, the Bible project continues in Malawi.

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Pastor's conference of CPMI in Kenya under the leadership of bishop Wilfred Kerosi was held near the area of Kissi. 

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WhatsApp Image 2022 07 10 at 08.46.50 1There was a small pastors' conference in India with the support of our ministry as a part of going ahead in the visions God gave us to fulfil them. These visions include India, Pakistan, Nepal and other countries in Asia. 

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One of the first ministers to join the CPMI ministry in Pakistan is our beloved Jair. We pray for him; we love him. He wants to serve God and bring Jesus to the poor.

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The second mission journey of senior pastor Jiří Joel Krupa to Malawi took part in August 2022. 



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We are happy and blessed by the grace of God through the joining of about 15 churches from Kenya and Uganda (and one church from Tanzania has been added this year too) that took place last year.

We are happy that the work there continues while we are in a need to "making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil" /Ef 5,16/  "to do good works." /Ef 2,10/  The joining makes us all stronger and together in prayer, we are stronger.  

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According to Romans 13 Chapter and 3,1 Titus, we want all churches CPMI to submit to their governments in their laws and rules regarding COVID-19 - disinfection and masks.

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One of the biggest of our callings is to bring the Gospel to other people. God wants us to preach and bring Gospel to all nations(Mt 28,19). It's our joy to see young people doing it.

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